[I440.Ebook] Fee Download Groundswell: Winning in a World Transformed
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Groundswell: Winning in a World Transformed
Fee Download Groundswell: Winning in a World Transformed
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"Since Groundswell was published in April of 2008, two things have happened: The global economy has gone into the dumper; and at the same time, marketers have fallen in love with social technologies." So states author Josh Bernoff in his introduction to Marketing in the Groundswell, which offers vital information that everyone involved in marketing or in communicating with customers' needs to know.
The book includes three core chapters from the original bestseller that focus on market research, marketing, and spreading word-of-mouth among your best customers. Sure, you already know that customers are writing about your products on blogs or talking about your brand on Twitter and Facebook. Now, turn that interest into opportunity and profit.
In these economic times, marketers like you are increasing their investment in social technologies, while cutting back on more traditional expenses. Why? Because they work--no matter the economic climate. Marketing in the Groundswell shows you how you can build social applications, measure their results, and use the social technology movement to your company's advantage
- Sales Rank: #90058 in Audible
- Published on: 2008-04-25
- Format: Unabridged
- Original language: English
- Running time: 497 minutes
...for Groundswell's intended audience - managers struggling to answer questions such as "should my soap company have a presence on Facebook?" or "why isn't anyone reading our company blog?" - the emphasis on data and analytics is not a bug - it's a feature --The Financial Times, May 21, 2008
The Forrester analysts have prepared one of the most comprehensive and useful primers on the sudden surge in social media. --Advertising Age, July 3, 2008
Their response, an introduction to the current state of online social networking and what to do about it, is entertaining, well- written and mercifully free from techy details. --The Financial Times, June 4, 2008
About the Author
Josh Bernoff, a vice president and principal analyst at Forrester Research, is one of America's most frequently quoted research analysts.
Charlene Li, formerly of Forrester Research, is an independent thought leader and founder of the Altimeter Group.
Most helpful customer reviews
37 of 37 people found the following review helpful.
Groundswell is swell - BUT don't buy both books!
By Amazon Customer
I have read the original exceptional Groundswell book, and bought this book thinking that it might offer some additional insights on marketing strategies through social media.
Shame on me - I did not read the description very well for this book. It is simply an abridged version of the original book, with three of the chapters reprinted. There is nothing new other than a very brief introduction by one of the authors. I'm at a loss as to why this book was published at all.
I am giving the content of this book 5 stars because it deserves it. However, don't waste your money on this. Buy the full original book instead. You will get much, much more out of it.
You can find the original book here: Groundswell: Winning in a World Transformed by Social Technologies
6 of 6 people found the following review helpful.
This book rocks and is a must-read
By Maggie McGary
Have you seen Jurassic Park? If so, you might remember Dr. Malcolm's (Jeff Goldblum) diatribe about the dangers of doing something just because you can:
"I'll tell you the problem with the scientific power that you're using here: it didn't require any discipline to attain it. You read what others had done and you took the next step. You didn't earn the knowledge for yourselves, so you don't take any responsibility for it. You stood on the shoulders of geniuses to accomplish something as fast as you could and before you even knew what you had you patented it and packaged it and slapped it on a plastic lunchbox, and now you're selling it, you want to sell it!"
How does this quote relate in any way to Charlene Li and Josh Bernoff's book Groundswell: Winning in a World Transformed by Social Technologies? Maybe it's just me, but I see a direct correlation.
Groundswell is about social computing (I, a non-analyst, prefer the term social media) and how it's shaping not only the personal lives of many individuals around the globe, but also the way companies do business. It's not that social media is anything new; I've been an active participant on numerous online forums for over 10 years now. I've made money, formed close friendships, gotten jobs and learned countless things--all through different social media applications.
Lately businesses have begun to tap into the groundswell--"a social trend in which people use technologies to get the things they need from each other rather than from traditional institutions like corporations"--to enhance customer relations, build brand loyalty and, of course, make money. These days hardly a day goes by where some company or another isn't discussing their web 2.0 strategy and taking the plunge--in most cases, "because everyone else is doing it." Or the opposite--doing nothing for fear of opening up a giant can of worms that, once released, will run rampant and ruin the company's reputation or slash profits.
The thing is, as the book aptly points out--doing it just because others are doing it or because it's possible isn't reason enough to incorporate web 2.0 applications into a business strategy. Just as bringing carnivorous dinosaurs back into existence just because it was possible without thinking about the consequences wasn't the brightest of ideas, jumping on the social media bandwagon just because everyone's doing it isn't reason enough to do it. Obviously the consequences of starting a blog, establishing a presence on Facebook or randomly beginning Tweeting are nowhere near those of setting loose a bunch of killer dinosaurs; however, the underlying concept is the same: maybe you should think about it before you do it.
The beauty of Groundswell is that it lays out in explicit detail the RIGHT way to develop a social media strategy. Forget just randomly tossing around a few ideas in a conference room then rushing back to the computer to start blogging or start a Facebook page; Groundswell provides hard data about the ways people are using social media and shows you how to develop a strategy that taps into your specific customers' behaviors and needs. Bernoff and Li go a step further than telling stories about what other companies have done; they provide a tool businesses can use to assess their own customers' social media behaviors in order to develop a strategy that taps into those individuals' behaviors and needs.
And of course, in addition to the facts and figures and case studies, Li and Bernoff give a very comprehensive overview of the groundswell technologies and how and why to use them.
In short, Groundswell is by far the best and most comprehensive book I've read about social media and I honestly think it's a must-read for anyone with even a passing interest in web 2.0. Forget Good to Great or those other yawners that every company has employees read before the annual retreat/brainstorming session; Groundswell is much more interesting, informative and pivotal to the way companies will be doing business from here on out.
0 of 0 people found the following review helpful.
An Oldie but Goodie !
By Frequent Reader
While 2006 is a long time ago by social media technology standards the book remains as valuable today as when written over 24 months ago. At one level the book does try to provide guidance and framework abstracted away from the social media du jour.Setting aside the survey data, the valuable frameworks relate to evaluation of social technologies, the new psycho-graphics of social network usage - social technographics,the POST (people,objective,strategy and technology) planning process for social media deployment,a listening plan, ROI template for a support forum,company transformation plan and the seven principles of successful organisations using social media.Beyond the frameworks what makes the book are the stories shared by the variety of stakeholders including large and small organisations and the technology vendors. This book is very cheap for the strategic thinking about social media you will gain after an initial reading.
The lead author Charlene Li has long left Forrester and heads the socially focused consulting group Altimeter based in Silicon Valley. Whether you are reviewing recent paid Forrester research or Altimeter findings the book will prove to be a valuable basis for executing business plans embodying the use of social technology. As Charlene stated in 2008 "...social networks will be like air" and we are only going to see social network capability incorporated in everything we do whether the activity be watching tv or shopping.The book provides a firm foundation for business survival in a world of social technology and furnishes the marketing student with contemporary knowledge not normally taught on undergraduate and postgraduate courses in 2010.
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